Hey Everyone,
I know it's been quite a while since you've heard from me here, but it doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about you - er about college football. Yeah, it's the offseason, and there's really not much news other than a few players getting arrested. Or those junior high kids making commitments which really won't mean anything since the coaches will likely be at different schools by the time the kid can drive, let alone go to college. I'm working on a posting looking back at '07 that should be up in the next day or two. So check back for that.
In the meantime, it's baseball season and that means others have taken up the task of punishing themselves by driving all over hill and dale. My friend Dan (aka the SI Tour Guy) and his pal Dave are traipsing across the USA, attending a baseball game in a different city every single day. I would try to claim that I inspired such an endeavor, but Dan saw me at my most humbled and exhausted (in Los Angeles for Game #16) which means such claims would be patently ridiculous. If anything, my drive would be more of a cautionary tale. I just force-fed the boys some Giordano's stuffed pizza here in Chicago, so they should have enough energy to last them through the rest of their schedule. You can track all of their travels on their blog, Foulballs.org, an entertaining read whether you're into beisbol or not. Check it out.
Top 50 Albums of the 00s - #13: Tool - Lateralus
Yep, we're counting down the top 50. Click here for overview and criteria.
So I finally resume this series six and a half years after the last
posting. Y...
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